These 5 steps will help you get started with your insurance agency’s SEO (or insurance agency search engine marketing) initiative.
- Make a list of your favorite keyword phrases. This could be New York Liability Insurance, Connecticut Business Insurance. Owner Operator Insurance. Group Health Insurance. These phrases are known as long tail keywords and should be prominently displayed on your agency website. These phrases should be easy to find for agents, as they will be mentioned in every day conversations. Agents can then review the phrases in Google AdWords which is a simple and free tool from Google.
- After reviewing the phrases in Google AdWords, you can choose the best phrases to use for your agency. You can use both competitive and non-competitive phrases. Searches that appear 10 times per month can still be useful for your insurance agency marketing plans.
- These phrases should be incorporated into your insurance website. For each of these phrases, a minimum of 6% is the ideal keyword density. It is easier to do this if your website has a page that focuses on a specific type of coverage. If your agency is located in Connecticut, and your page is dedicated to group insurance, you should aim for a density of 6% for the phrase “Connecticut Group Health Insurance” on that page. This would mean that the phrase would appear six times per 100 words on that page. The formula is more complex, but it is the core concept.
- This phrase should be added to your website’s HTML coding. This may require a “coder” or technical person to complete for your agency. These should be included in the meta description and meta keyword to begin. Although there are other places in the HTML code that allow keyword phrase addition, the most important is the meta keywords description.
- These keyword phrases can be added to your insurance agency blog. Your insurance agency should have an integrated website blog. Blogs for insurance agencies optimize content creation and assist with SEO and search engine marketing. Keep in mind that search engine robots (Google and Bing) will not index very much content. to index. Blogs are a great way for prospects and clients to find relevant content.
These are only the basics of an insurance SEO campaign. There are many more advanced tools than the ones provided free of charge, as well as sophisticated nuances in search engine marketing and insurance SEO (sometimes called Search Marketing Optimization). There is nothing wrong in a “crawl and walk, run” approach. These basics can help your agency move beyond the initial stages of your insurance search engine optimization program. These are the basics to get you walking in no time. If your agency is more of a sprinter than a walker you can outsource the search engine marketing for your insurance agency to an experienced insurance marketing agency to get started.